Items tagged with "life coaching":

Building Your Coaching Practice

Building Your Coaching Practice

Written by Judy Klipin

So, you’ve just completed your coach training and you are newly minted Life Coach. Now what? This is something I have thought a lot about over the last 12 years – both for myself when I was starting out as a just-certified coach in 2007, and for the many new coaches I have mentored and supported...

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Why am I so tired when I am doing what I love?

Why am I so tired when I am doing what I love?

Written by Judy Klipin

It’s very confusing. How can we, as coaches, have traded in the dead-end, soulless job to be doing work that we love, serving everyone else’s and our own higher good and still be feeling tired, overwhelmed, teary and sometimes downright homicidal? Over and over I see coaches who are feeling exhausted...

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Life Coaching not Life Laundry

Written by Judy Klipin

I hate it when coaches share the details of their clients’ sessions/conversations/journeys on social media. It doesn’t matter if it's a celebration of progress, a request for help and support or just plain ‘look at what a great coach I am’ sharing – any online exposure of client details* and...

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Don’t Forget to Remember Yourself

Written by Judy Klipin

How many times have you got into bed at night and remembered that you forgot to do something you promised yourself that morning? Many of us spend all of our waking moments thinking about others, listening to others and doing things for others. It is often only in the calm and quiet that descends when...

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Valentine’s Day Blues

Written by Judy Klipin

The sight of Valentine’s Day paraphernalia in shops can be a little depressing.  The in-your-faceness of all that enforced romance is hard enough for people who have an ‘other half’ (be that half better, worse or indifferent). But for people who are not-so-happily unattached, all that stuff is...

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Coaching Tonic

Written by Judy Klipin

I was doing some consulting work in another country the whole of last week so I wasn’t doing any coaching.  (Or blogging, as you may have noticed). I often find it hard to give myself permission to go away, or to stop coaching for a period.  I worry that my clients will lose the momentum they have...

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E is for…

Written by Judy Klipin

…Ebb and Flow Like the sea, life is an endless cycle of tides coming in and going out. All aspects of our lives – relationships, work, money, health, growth, - go through cycles of good and bad. When we can see that life is one big cycle of change, with countless smaller cycles within that,...

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Email Overload

Written by Judy Klipin

This blog is helping me to keep track of how I spend my time!  I am somewhat ashamed to admit that, until now, I paid little attention to how I filled my working days. This last week or so of writing this blog has made me realize how much time I spend on admin and, in particular, on emails.  I really...

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How We Reject Ourselves

Written by Judy Klipin

Life Lesson*: what looks like a desire to protect others from hurt is often a fear-based need to protect ourselves from rejection. I have lost count of the times clients have told me that they can’t speak their truth because to do so would mean hurting someone.  And I know that I used to tell myself...

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Growing Back in the Hurt Places

Written by Judy Klipin

I am working with my graphic designer to develop the badge for the adult child coaches I certify to work with my materials. I am excited about what we have so far.  Two starfish on a radiant background. It captures everything about the work that we do, simply and powerfully. If you have read my book...

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