From AlwaysOn to OftenOff

From AlwaysOn to OftenOff

by Judy Klipin

Happy Equinox!

The 21st of March, in addition to being Human Rights Day in South Africa, is the Autumn/Spring Equinox.

All over the planet, day and night both last 12 hours – give or take a few minutes. Dark and light are equally balanced. The sun and the stars get equal airtime. Nocturnal creatures have as much time to do their business as creatures that are awake during the day.

There are only two days out of 365 when night and day are in perfect balance but on each of those two days I wish that life could also be in a state of total harmony. That we could make equal time for work and play, wakefulness and rest, on and off. Because, sadly, there’s generally much more of one than the other. And judging by what I see around me, it’s tipped in favour of work, wakefulness and on.

At a time when so many of us are so busy stressed and stretched, I am acutely aware of how out of balance we all seem to be. It is as though we are all operating at full speed all the time…

A little (or a lot) like that message you get from free public WiFi: AlwaysOn.

To be AlwaysOn is nice if you’re a coffee shop or an airport, but pretty draining and exhausting if you’re a human being. Constantly tuning into ambient messages and signals leaves us feeling frizzled and frazzled. It isn’t natural or sustainable. Yet so many of us seem to do it. We are constantly on alert, ready for action, waiting to do whatever is expected of us.

We need to learn how to flip the switch from AlwaysOn to OftenOff. We need to find more harmony and balance.

Here’s to being OftenOff more often than AlwaysOn!
Judy x

Feeling overwhelmed in your life, work or relationships?

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  • “I have seen various psychologists and therapists but none of them have the skill of Judy in being able to relate to me and the way I think about things.” Emma, Durban
  • “Judy, you have given me the tools to change and move my life in directions I never knew possible. I am truly grateful for your help.” Anisha, London
  • “Perception is everything and working with Judy has helped me realise my true potential by changing my outlook of life into more positive ones. I enjoy walking out of a life coaching session feeling like I am in control again, less stressed and more energetic.” P.R.M.
  • “Judy is my go-to person when I find myself uncertain about how to interpret the signposts in my life. Her insights and ability to draw out what lies deepest inside have helped provide clarity and integrity at pivotal life moments over many years.” B.H.
  • “I’d recommend Judy to anyone who’s feeling stuck, weary, confused, discouraged, uncertain, in need of support – basically, I’d recommend her to any carbon-based life form that breathes oxygen and would like to have a wonderful life.” Martha Beck

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