The Wheels of Life Go Round and Round

by Judy Klipin

I firmly believe that frequent check-ins keep me on the straight and narrow in my personal and professional life.  My tools of choice for this job are The Wheels.

The Wheel of Life is an incredibly powerful coaching tool that I happened upon a few years back and use a lot in my coaching practice. It enables me to to get a helicopter view of where I am feeling most and least satisfied in the 8 key areas of my life, which will then allow me to make some commitments to myself about how I plan to build on my areas of satisfaction and address the areas of dissatisfaction.

I have adapted the original tool to create a number of wheels; The Wheel of Work, The Wheel of Love, The Wheel of Coaching…

I am not seeing any clients today or tomorrow.  I was supposed to go to Namibia to do some training this week, but those plans changed so I am enjoying the gap that I have and am resting and revising.  It is Spring in South Africa, a New Moon and, in honour of the Jewish New Year which starts today, I am spending some time thinking about new beginnings and opportunities.

Today and tomorrow I will be reviewing my life as a whole and will then turn to a review of my coaching practice.

Like many of the most rewarding practices, this is a time-consuming exercise, but one which I am looking forward to and grateful to have the unexpected time for.

I look forward to sharing some of my insights and plans tomorrow….

Feeling overwhelmed in your life, work or relationships?

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  • “I have seen various psychologists and therapists but none of them have the skill of Judy in being able to relate to me and the way I think about things.” Emma, Durban
  • “Judy, you have given me the tools to change and move my life in directions I never knew possible. I am truly grateful for your help.” Anisha, London
  • “Perception is everything and working with Judy has helped me realise my true potential by changing my outlook of life into more positive ones. I enjoy walking out of a life coaching session feeling like I am in control again, less stressed and more energetic.” P.R.M.
  • “Judy is my go-to person when I find myself uncertain about how to interpret the signposts in my life. Her insights and ability to draw out what lies deepest inside have helped provide clarity and integrity at pivotal life moments over many years.” B.H.
  • “I’d recommend Judy to anyone who’s feeling stuck, weary, confused, discouraged, uncertain, in need of support – basically, I’d recommend her to any carbon-based life form that breathes oxygen and would like to have a wonderful life.” Martha Beck

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Certified Adult Child CoachCOMENSA Registered Coach